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The wattled curassow (Crax globulosa) is a large bird, about the size of a turkey. Its most prominent feature is a well-developed curly crest of head feathers. It is mostly black with white tail feathers underneath black tail feathers (coverts).

The bill is black, with an orange to red knob that extends down to form a hanging wattle.
It signals with a high-pitched call.

There are about 12 kinds of curassows found in Amazonia.

During the dry season this species concentrates around slow-moving water-lakes, backwaters and sluggish streams.

It is found in the southwestern Amazon River basin, only in lowland tropical forest, mostly along rivers and lake edges.

In the wild, no individual has been found more than 1000 ft from the edge of a river, particularly in varzea forest.

Studies of the bird's habitat suggest that it is restricted to flooded forest, so its population may have been underestimated, and may be vlunerable to human settlement along rivers.

This species is a specialist forager along river banks and water edges, feeding in shallow flooded ground for small animals such as fish, insects, aquatic crustaceans. It may also eat fruit. During the wet season, they feed on canopy fruit and seeds, often in terra firme forest.

It seems somewhat more arboreal than other curassows, and is most often seen in trees rather than on the ground.

The female lays two eggs, nesting in June. Chicks have been observed in July, but otherwise, little is known about the breeding habits of this species.

According to the IUCN red List, this species is considered vulnerable. However, it's hard to get population estimates are hindered because the bird tends to stay in trees, where it's hard to spot.

This species is undergoing rapid declines in range and population as a result of hunting for food. To a lesser extent, habitat loss is also a threat. The total population is suspected to be small and consist of very small subpopulations.

Hunting is the main threat to this species, while habitat loss contributes to population declines. CITES restrictions imposed in 1971 decreased the losses when fur hunters gave up hunting the species.

Some conservation measures are underway, and the bird is protected in several reserves in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. However, hunting still occurs, and conservation measures are difficult to enforce.


Wattled Curassow - BirdLife Species Factsheet
Wikipedia: Wattled Curassow Wattled curassow

Internet Bird Collection: Wattled Curassow

Mainly photos
Flickr: wattled currasow
Crax globulosa, Wattled Curassow
Internet Bird Collection: Wattled Curassow

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