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Amazon river RIVER Amazon river

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The Amazon River is the world's largest river. Here you can experience what it is like to travel there. Start from the picture at the top: begin with flying into an airport, seeing the sinuous curves of a giant river below. The next morning you wake up to another world. Then see how people live here. Learn how tourists travel along the river, and what they might encounter.

Click below for river photos and natural history information:

aerial view photo aerial view photo aerial view

dawn photo dawn

river hut photo river hut

river boat amazonas photo el arca riverboat photo river boats

meeting of waters photo meeting of waters

red mud photo river mud photo river mud

"I was born upon thy bank, river,
My blood flows in thy stream,
And thou meanderest forever,
At the bottom of my dream."
Henry David Thoreau Journals, 1842 entry (ed. Edwin Way Teale) 1906

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